What is the role of the human resource function??
What is the role of the human resource function??
Why must assess the statistical significance of relationships between variates?
Ahhhh, damn you homoscedasticity.
Why must assess the statistical significance of relationships between variates?
Ahhhh, damn you homoscedasticity.
Hosting an entrepeurneurial enterprise online in Trinidad is feasible to what extent?
Note, franchisers are issued no liability for an ineffective franchisee's business.
Hosting an entrepeurneurial enterprise online in Trinidad is feasible to what extent?
Note, franchisers are issued no liability for an ineffective franchisee's business.
Differentiate the differences between personal surveying and observation.
Revelation, the research objective defines every goddam thing, research design, sampling methods, data analysis etc!
Differentiate the differences between personal surveying and observation.
Revelation, the research objective defines every goddam thing, research design, sampling methods, data analysis etc!
El viernes, voy a hablar, leer y esciribir espanol y voy a presentar una de las regiones mas interesantes de Espana con muchos aspectos historicos y culturales.
Por encima de todo, quiero bailar el baile de Shakira en la clase como una examen :)
El viernes, voy a hablar, leer y esciribir espanol y voy a presentar una de las regiones mas interesantes de Espana con muchos aspectos historicos y culturales.
Por encima de todo, quiero bailar el baile de Shakira en la clase como una examen :)
§h¡z Niz Fa §h¡zŽ£ë.....:
* a1 lover
Google girl - kbissoon

* a1 lover
Google girl - kbissoon
Homoscedasticity is one of the top 10 most maligned and abused words and for obvious reasons. Just as people shouldn't name their son Sue, they should never say "homoscedastic" in the company of males, or people who are prone to understanding words based on their face value.
It would be a an unfair project-practice is you were to "danza como el Shakira para the exams" since an A+ would be guaranteed. But an A+ is guaranteed anyway. I was also going to say I would like to be the examiner but I decided on not saying it :)
Baila en la calle de noche
Baila en la calle del dia
:) :)
wow you and my sis are alike -- you all are good at studying
or is it that you all just look good while studying?
oh man! i can't do it... the only study i am capable of is when the people who don't know come ask me a whole lot of questions and i answer... other than that its either in there or it isnt. i either understand and retain it after the first three readings or its going to be misery...
and thats why i love programming -- i never learned how to be smart AND programming is mainly problem solving and being efficient about it :) whoo hoo
good luck in whatever exams are left and enjoy the fete if they are already done!
peace and love
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