SEAN LUKE....from child to angel
This is the email I was forwarded and in turn did forward to all of my contacts in Trinidad, be they friends, enemies or the end of the day we are all the same and binded by that same power of connectivity that makes you my friend and you my enemy no different than I am - we share that same human spirit. It is this same human spririt hwihc we share thatnow greaves within each of us for this child.

" Hi everyone, I'm sure by now you've heard the heart wrenching news about the violent death of a six year old boy Sean Luke, he was taken from his home, brutally raped and buggered with a piece of sugar cane which destroyed most of his internal organs, we ask your support in silent protest against crime and incidents such as this one. We, the trinituner community will be wearing black on friday to mourn the loss of Sean Luke and will be driving with our lights on to protest governments' lack of action against crime in Trinidad and Tobago.
Yours truly,
Concerned Father
Please visit this site for more info. "
I cried when my sis told me this story over the telephone, I cried when i told my other sis, I cried when I read the newpaper articles..............sitting in my aparatment I cried and I prayed for this likkle angel and his grieving family. I only wish i could have taken away the pain and hurt he had to go through, its amazing I dont know this child and yet I love him.
Rest In Peace Sean Luke, you are in a better place now, where noone can hurt you, where you can sing with the angels and sit on the lap of somebody who loves you more than you would have felt in this lifetime.
I cried when my sis told me this story over the telephone, I cried when i told my other sis, I cried when I read the newpaper articles..............sitting in my aparatment I cried and I prayed for this likkle angel and his grieving family. I only wish i could have taken away the pain and hurt he had to go through, its amazing I dont know this child and yet I love him.
Rest In Peace Sean Luke, you are in a better place now, where noone can hurt you, where you can sing with the angels and sit on the lap of somebody who loves you more than you would have felt in this lifetime.
§h¡z Niz Fa §h¡zŽ£ë.....:
* a1 lover

* a1 lover
It would be hard to ever come to terms with Sean Luke's senseless death and I don't think we ever should. We must never let his death be forgotten. When people remember, politicians suffer and it’s long past the time that they do.
The biggest problem facing this country is not crime but controlling the amount of degenerate people walking the streets and sitting in Parliament. The government will be the first to say that everything is ok and these are just isolated cases. They prefer to bury their heads in the sand at sod turning ceremonies. They are power-addicts and the problem with this type of addiction is that it makes the addict insensitive to the plight of others. It’s even worse that that, these addict will even inflict suffering on others just to maintain power. It is the power-greedy politicians who are the ones encouraging this degeneration to continue unabated by virtue of their fix for political support. Their new strategy is “everybody is responsible for crime.” That has to come form the mind of a sick politician clutching at straws that doesn’t exist.
Pass laws, enforce none, fix-up friends, drive the educated to better lands, award contracts to supporters, drive big cars, cut bush, paint stone, insult the public’s intelligence, talk down to the people who pay your salary, inflict wounds on those who protest, victimize, victimize, victimize.
Arrogance is a form of hate and where there is arrogance there can be no compassion. Is it any wonder the country is crumbling?
much has been said about this horrific event...yes we are mortified, and shocked, and outraged that this was done , and young men no more than twice sean luke's age...and yes we are saddedned hope is that we all move beyong this horror and ask ourselves...will i let this end here? what can i do to make my world better...can i volunteer at a home for children and play with them after school ? can i join a peer counsellors programme? will i lose a little sleep or skip something i want to do cuz a friend needs me? making a difference in the world does not necessarily have to take the form of marching in the streets or wearing black ribbons for a week...although these things do have their place...i thank God for the opportunity to work with the family of sean luke and help in their healing and i pray and hope that we all find it in ourselves to get up and turn our sadness and loss into positive action...bless !
i am happy to see comments such as these.
i am sorry to see sean luke die.
please check out my blog @ An Initiative Against Crime
peace and love
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