People are like snakes, you can love them, care for them, nurture them for years.....and then just like that they can turn on you.
Yesterday I walked past someone who used to be my friend. Only recently, we shared many a talks and all we share is the same breaths of air, fullstop. The thing is, it was so easy for me to pass this person straight, like if he didnt even exist. I didnt even look back at him, not once as he passed by, that it worried me. I worried myself. Is it that I have become so cold and hardened at heart that I reached a point of just not giving a dam anymore?? and even so, is that necessarily a good thing??
It set me thinking. How long can a relationship/friendship actually endure before it reaches the point of no return??
Then I remembered, that people are like snakes that can eventually turn on you, even bite you. I realised that I felt like that because a snake and all the ill-effects of his venom has no place in my life. This person turned on me and I was bitten once. Nobody wants to suffer from a snakebite a second time.
It set me thinking. How long can a relationship/friendship actually endure before it reaches the point of no return??
Then I remembered, that people are like snakes that can eventually turn on you, even bite you. I realised that I felt like that because a snake and all the ill-effects of his venom has no place in my life. This person turned on me and I was bitten once. Nobody wants to suffer from a snakebite a second time.
§h¡z Niz Fa §h¡zŽ£ë.....:

We allow people to become snakes with the power to bite us. We teach them how to treat us, feed them, love them and allow our guard to fall. Then whip wap you get bite. How foolish we are...
So I say pull out all their damm teeth!!!
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