My friend recently informed me that I have a problem because according to some survey published, if you spend more than 3 hours a day online EVERYDAY then you are addicted to the Internet.
For the record, 3 hours is minimal time for me to spend online.
The first thing I do when I wake up from sleep(before I even go to the toilet or brush my teeth) is roll over from my bed to my pc chair and go online. I start my day online.
I start my day the online way !
I start my day the online way !
The first thing I do when I come home from class is go online. I relax during the day online.
I go through my day the online way !
I go through my day the online way !
The last thing I do before I go to sleep is go online. I finish my day online.
I finish my day the online way !
I finish my day the online way !
- I get tizic if I didnt go online for the day.
- I must check my mail at least once for the day if I am to survive.
- I am always making mental notes of what would make an interesting blog post.
- I get excited to see I have a new index by Google (yes I have Google alerts for my name)
- I google my name.
- I have nicknames that are all Internet related: Google girl, 24/07 Msn Queen, Bloggerbitch, 'Net hoe, Ms.Google, A1 Online Lover, Geek
Elephant man has a song: 'On Line' from his cd Higher Level.......I have it and I love it.
Going online relaxes me, it soothes my mind, its a whole new kingdom - this online kingdom.
Going online relaxes me, it soothes my mind, its a whole new kingdom - this online kingdom.
§h¡z Niz Fa §h¡zŽ£ë.....:
* a1 lover
Google girl - kbissoon

* a1 lover
Google girl - kbissoon
lol -- may i recommend DOT COM by Usher... you may like that as well.
I have news for you -- I spend at least 7 Hours online per day. Today I am planning to make a personal record actually -- I rolled off the couch at 8am and I have been on the internet since. I have enuff work to keep me busy until 3am but I may go all the way and wing it until 7am, reach to work at 8am and get back on the internet again...
to some internet is a culture
represent chica!!!
peace and love
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