Exams (for 2nd semester Masters courses) start next week.
After this I wont have to write exams for the next 2 years of my life.
I just need to make it through the exam pressure for the next 3 weeks.
I feel like if the mandatory part of my life (academic wise) is almost over.
I cant wait to be free and begin to live life on a whole new dimension.
After this I wont have to write exams for the next 2 years of my life.
I just need to make it through the exam pressure for the next 3 weeks.
I feel like if the mandatory part of my life (academic wise) is almost over.
I cant wait to be free and begin to live life on a whole new dimension.
§h¡z Niz Fa §h¡zŽ£ë.....:
* a1 lover
Google girl - kbissoon

* a1 lover
Google girl - kbissoon
Hi Lee, Ray here, just wanted to let you know I linked to you. Cool blog.
Hey Lee,you are one of the brightest and most caring people i know and you went through real shit and still managed to graduate with honours so i have no doubt that you gonna pull through now in these happier times.You'll be 23 or is it 22? and have a masters and if that doesnt win them i dont know what will. Dont forget you hadda buy me a pack of blends when you start working and a carib cause the price went up. c ya in da club Trippy!
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