Questions :
- Discuss the key roles of Training and devlopment function in a MNC.
- Discuss a proposed 5 phase systematic approach to designing training and dvelopment programs
- Discuss the contextual factors that infleuence employee performance management
- Discuss the management dilemmas that serve as barriers to development remedied by ethical leadership
Articles of help for answer formulation :
- A system for total involvement (Steve Sciman)
- The status of Human Resources (Roland Baptiste)
- Ethical dilemmas at work, a case for principled leadership (Reshma Bissessar)
- International human resource management: a critical text (Hampshire)
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* a1 lover
Google girl - kbissoon

* a1 lover
Google girl - kbissoon
This latest blog had me tickled a color closely resembling pink in the dead of night at a Siberian concentration camp. This latest blog by you, the jolie Krista-Lee, changed my life but not as much as the concentration camp in Siberia did. Then again, there is a serious worldwide shortage of Advanced Readings in Human Resource Management blogs, and I applaud your efforts in filling this much needed gap.
I know this latest blog is only another “arrow in your quiver” but I admit it’s a fine arrow and quiver. A blog is a snapshot of a bloger’s thoughts and this blog is pleasantly just that. Like Friday evening traffic at UWI, blogging can relieve stress and sanity. And, what would a blog be without a blog comment or a little insanity? I quiver at the thought. A blog comment is more than just a comment; it is the quality feedback system of our lives.
Fear not, Krista-Lee, for the world is not a cold and heartless place, it only appears that way at exam time:)
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