SEAN LUKE....from child to angel

" Hi everyone, I'm sure by now you've heard the heart wrenching news about the violent death of a six year old boy Sean Luke, he was taken from his home, brutally raped and buggered with a piece of sugar cane which destroyed most of his internal organs, we ask your support in silent protest against crime and incidents such as this one. We, the trinituner community will be wearing black on friday to mourn the loss of Sean Luke and will be driving with our lights on to protest governments' lack of action against crime in Trinidad and Tobago.
Yours truly,
Concerned Father
Please visit this site for more info. "
I cried when my sis told me this story over the telephone, I cried when i told my other sis, I cried when I read the newpaper articles..............sitting in my aparatment I cried and I prayed for this likkle angel and his grieving family. I only wish i could have taken away the pain and hurt he had to go through, its amazing I dont know this child and yet I love him.
Rest In Peace Sean Luke, you are in a better place now, where noone can hurt you, where you can sing with the angels and sit on the lap of somebody who loves you more than you would have felt in this lifetime.

* a1 lover